The NAME Project
The European Commission funds NAME, the Multimedia Tasks & Skills Database under its Leonardo Da Vinci Project. |
The NAME Interactive Database co-ordinated by Aquitaine Multimedia, is the outcome of more than 20000 hours of research, collated by many of the main European professional Multimedia associations, collectively representing several thousands of Multimedia companies. In the process, NAME scrutinised and has evaluated 26 different jobs and 96 operational multimedia tasks. NAME is presented in 9 languages, with a database of more than 650 companies from 11 countries.
The NAME Interactive Database : 26 analyzed jobs |
The NAME Interactive Database is represented by a table ranking tasks in order of importance in relation to the 26 jobs studied. |
The survey arranges Multimedia production companies into 4 distinct classes of job required in the realisation of a multimedia project project management direction graphical conception and creation development 3 distinct classes of job involved in sales and marketing website administration web marketing multimedia convergence strategies |
Comparing your company with other companies |
Multimedia Companies can make comparisons with other companies. |
This specialist tool enables companies to see the tasks carried out by their employees. They can also compare these profiles with those of the Interactive Database as a whole. Also, by using the onboard filters, comparative profiles can be set up according to choice . The comparison tool is simple and free to use. |
Keeping an eye on your business organisation |
A tool to help you improve your human resource management. |
A Company Director can see at a glance how other multimedia organisations arrange their workforce. This tool is available for registered users. |
Find the equivalent term for your jobs and tasks in other languages |
Free translation service (9 languages). |
It is part of NAME's mission to distribute its Interactive Database as widely as possible. Hence, the 26 jobs and 96 multimedia tasks are now available in 9 languages: Dutch,English,Finnish,French, German, Italian,Portuguese,Slovenian.Spanish. By making access to this site free to everyone we trust that this will enable multimedia companies, training organisations, institutions, employees - or simply people looking for a job -quickly to come to terms with the shifting and dynamic nature of the European Multimedia's industries.